Wednesday, July 17, 2019

7 Years Life Experinces

wow.. this blog, I almost forget you!
Never get a chance to write my life story in here.
So, i can tell my life was different like my latest post, i was 7 years younger than now :))

I got married and had 1 awesome son, be blassed and grateful for all of that.
Life is challenging when you heading with all troubles and you must face it by yourself.
Parenting is one of a challenging moment that I need to learn more to raise my kid to be a better person until they get own family too. It's not easy being patient person and until you learn how to handle your emotion and ego.. wow.. I almost put my white flag there :( But, something you need to pray to vent all problems to God and God always help and grant all prayers. Never doubt that.

and and.. next month is my son bday and he's 3 yo soon !!
Nah.. time fly so fast huh? and nope, I'm not getting old x)

Then, yeah i still need to develop myself to be employed and paid for sure.
Earn money as much as I can,but... Hey, that's my husband duty tho!!
Yeah, I need money to reaching out my dream to be....................
I dont know what i want to be. An enterprenuer for sure!
I like cooking but also I like make up, and I hope I can reach all my dream together, someday x)

Anyway, I got many friends and best friends from my previous work place before. There's a love and hate relationship i had, knowing many character people out there that you've never had before.
Wow.. I faced with two faces-ppl to fulfill their desire to defeat each other, take our boss's attention. it's competition not a team work.. yeah I know that well.
Fortunately, my friend who sitting next to me.. she can be my BF for my almost 5 years worked there.
We share anything, jokes, stories, have a same interest with some other things, we love to eat and try many foods out there (near from our office actually lol) and doing sport together.
She is my sister from another mother <3 p="">
and now, i got a chance in a new work place and we separated.
My life changing and i have to survive it without any BF here.
But, my work now more better than previous, i can tell. I need to grateful for all of this.

Okay, I think its enough to conclude my 7 years story past ago, so far.
Hope I can share a new things again soon.
